My daughter, Brooke, has a master’s degree in design. (Please indulge her proud momma.) Brooke’s primary focus is designing elegant furniture with clean lines. Brooke formed a design firm with her partner, Laura Watson, Richard Watson. I always knew she had “the eye” because since her childhood I could always rely on her opinion regarding which shoes or purse to wear.
Do you need the approval of others before committing to a choice (or opinion)? Most of us enjoy positive validation, and that brings me back to dear Brooke. I recently asked her opinion about a sisal rug I liked. She disagreed, but followed up with the caveat, “but, you do you”. I loved that!
As we mature, we begin to develop a style, sometimes unique, and more often, influenced by the media and our peers. When I first moved to Tallahassee, FL, in the 1970’s, the women dressed much more conservatively than that which I was more accustomed to, living in South Florida.
I wasn’t particularly comfortable wearing my classic camelhair jacket. I was dressing in the style of my North Florida friends, but I wasn’t being true to myself. However, when I began to teach dance/exercise and opened my first Body Electric studio, the mood became more relaxed. Some of my friends shed their camelhair jackets for dancewear and cover-ups for post workouts errands. You do you.
I always encourage constructive criticism and actually think it’s very generous of others to lend support (positive or negative). The opinion of others is certainly something to consider but it’s just a piece of the pie. We need to be comfortable in our own skin.
Presently, I am very invested in creating a capsule wardrobe.
According to Un-Fancy, a capsule wardrobe represents more time, more money, and more energy for the things in life that really matter (i.e., not your clothes). By shopping only once a season, you save money on frivolous items that add up. Rector also says that by narrowing her wardrobe, she was actually able to define and understand her style more.
Also check out 10 Bloggers Who will Inspire Your Capsule Wardrobe.
We’ll soon emerge from our quarantine (please, please) and have a wonderful opportunity to uniquely define ourselves and celebrate our individuality.
You do you!